Setting up a broadcast is all about selecting an audio source, play the audio and push the broadcast button! Ofcourse you could have a Shoutcast hosting server, such as one from Wavestreaming which will provide with the site URL and port details which you should enter into the Nicecast application so that the stream can be appropriately set up. Nicecast is designed for everybody, meaning even if you haven’t done any kind of broadcasting on the Internet before you will find Nicecast to be very simple to handle. Rogueamoeba’s implementation of Icecast, aptly named Nicecast is a breeze to work with.

Nicecast is based upon the opensource Icecast streaming application, which if you’ve ever used could require considerable technical know-how and patience to setup and run. Rogue Amoeba (apart from the awesome name) are also makers of some of the coolest audio applications ( Airfoil, Radioshift, Audio Hijack Pro, and more) available on the Macintosh platform came up with Nicecast to satisfy all those audio fans out there who wish to run their own online radio stations.
Setup nicecast with shoutcast mac#
Nicecast is a Mac application that will allow you to broadcast your media over the internet. Nicecast - Online Streaming App for the Mac